Escapevan Hungary

Escapevan Hungary

The campaign tour of the Dutch National Police and the University of Pécs has been held between 19-30 September 2022 in Hungary. The program has visited 8 cities (Budapest, Székesfehérvár, Pécs, Szeged, Szolnok, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Miskolc) at 9 different locations in the most affected regions through the 2-week-long tour in the country. The project is a great example of cross-border cooperation and prevention program, as multiple government agencies, law enforcement forces, NGOs, municipalities and other organisations have been involved either from the organisational aspect or as participants. The goal of the tour was to raise awareness about the danger of human trafficking and sexual exploitation and to help decision makers to understand better of this ongoing serious problem. In each cities there were representatives from the local police, victim support organisations and press agencies. Participants were mainly interested people, primary school students (age group 16-18), university students (age group 18-25), minors from orphanage.
